Membership (VAT zero rated)

The following fees are inclusive of VAT

DNA testing fees

Registration (inclusive of VAT)

For every two heifers cancelled up to the age of 18 months, a credit will be given for one registration.

Members can de-register bull calves up to nine months of age with 50 per cent of the registration fee reimbursed. There will be a maximum allowance of five bull de-registrations per member per calendar year.

Late registration of previously notified calves

Late registration of calves not previously notified

In the case of these two categories, at the time of registration a copy of the DEFRA passport must be submitted, together with hair samples of the animal being registered and its dam for DNA parentage verification. The fees in both instances include the DNA laboratory costs.

Young Hereford breeders (25 years and under)


The following fees are inclusive of VAT 

A maximum of four calves per annum may be registered at the discounted fee of £17.28 or £19.02 (inclusive of VAT).

Additional calves registered will be charged at the normal registration fee of £34.56 online and £38.04 paper, inclusive of VAT.

For every two heifers cancelled up to the age of 18 months, a credit will be given for one registration.

Members can de-register bull calves up to nine months of age with 50 per cent of the registration fee reimbursed. There will be a maximum allowance of five bull de-registrations per member per calendar year.

Non member fees

Our system will recognise non members as  “Associate members”.
Prefix – No change
DNA testing – No change

Calves not previously notified