Breeders headed to Borderway, Carlisle to partake in Agri-expo. The classes were well attended with quality stock on parade.
Catching judge, Twm Jones eye, Coley 1 Alexander from Heather Whittaker, Halifax, took home the coveted supreme champion position. Earlier in the day following success in his class, Alexander went forward to take the top position in both the male and senior male championships. September 2022 born, Alexander is sired by Denor 1 Sherlock, out of Kammerherre Kati.
Not a stranger to the ring Coley 1 Alexander saw success earlier in the year at the national poll show taking the junior male championship and reserve overall junior champion.
Supreme Champion Coley 1 Alexander from H Whittaker
Standing beside him in reserve, from the herd of a breeder gaining momentum on the show circuit was Midford 1 Ravette 1st. Bred by Will Awan, Bath, sired by Kinglee 1 The New One, out of Gouldingpool 1 Ravetter 738, this Jan 2023-born heifer headed to the championship ring, after being tapped out as junior champion and overall female champion. Ravette 1st was spotted as the heifer calf to watch in the southwest herd competition and took 1st in her class at Frome show this summer.
Reserve Overall Champion, Midford Ravette 1st from W Awan.
Panmure 1 Alexander from JM Cant & Partners took the ticket for reserve overall male champion following victory in his class, ‘bull born in Jan/Feb 2023’. December 2022 born, Alexander is sired by Romany 1 Thor FR T4, out of homebred, Panmure 1 Blessing S4.
Panmure 1 Alexander from JM Cant & Partners took the ticket for reserve overall male champion.
The Romany herd took a title home of their own when Romany 1 Aztec FR A21 took the red ticket in ‘bull born in October 2022’. He later revisited the ring to be brought forward as reserve senior male champion. Bred by JRB Wilson & Son, hailing from Kelso, the bull is out of Romany 1 Lily BL S13 and sired by Fabb 1 Rocco whose breeders, Helen Parr and Daniel Fabb came second in the Beef farmer of the year this month at the British farming awards.
Romany 1 Aztec FR A21 from JRB Wilson & Sons, Reserve Senior Male Champion.
Another triumph for the Coley herd, saw Coley 1 Alsace standing reserve besides Panmure 1 Alexander, in the junior male championship after coming second to the aforementioned bull in his class. Sired by the same bull as overall champion Coley 1 Alexander, Denor 1 Sherlock and out of a Dendor bred dam, Dendor 1 Lilace Wine 29th, a new face to the ring from a successful stable.
Reserve Junior Male Champion, Coley 1 Alsace from H Whittaker.
Within the overall female championship, standing beside Midford 1 Ravette 1st, Grifford 1 True Fashion from NJ Griffths was tapped out by Mr Jones as reserve. Born December 2022, out of Greenyards 1 Truelove M314, sired by Gouldingpoll 1 Stockman, True Fashion made the trip up north from Staffordshire worth the journey after taking the red ticket in her class, ‘heifer born in Nov/Dec 2022’ and the top title in the senior female championship.
Grifford 1 True Fashion from NJ Griffths, Reserve Overall Female Champion.
All the way from Pembrokeshire, riding a winning high after being named herd of the year for the consecutive time, saw the Thorne family’s homebred Studdolph 1 Barbie 884 tapped out as reserve senior female champion. From the Barbie line, out of homebred Studdolph 1 Barbie 719, sired by Vexour 1 Palmer whose progeny saw success at the Autumn show and sale reaching 5200gns.
Studdolph 1 Barbie 884 tapped out as Reserve Senior Female Champion from TG, EI & EN Thorne.
Continuing their winning streak the Thorne teams heifer, Ashdale 3 Queen 898, sired by Alderville 1 Dover, out of homebred Ashdale 3 Queen 638 took Twms fancy in ‘heifer born on or after 1st March 2023’ putting her in the top spot.
Ashdale 3 Queen 898 from TG, EI & EN Thorne.
Again, the Welsh breeders stepped forward, this time with their bull, Glenvale 1 Hoskins Sotutu in ‘bull born on or after 1st March 2023’, out of Glenvale 1 Angela 680, a homebred cow and Alderville 1 Dover.
Glenvale 1 Angela 680 from TG, EI & EN Thorne.
Within the junior female championship, Harveybros George and Sophie’s heifer, Harveybros 1 Crocus Aurora strode into reserve. Sired by Cogent backed Sky High 1 Take-A-Chance, a bull that boasts impressive credentials and out of homebred Harveybros 1 Crocus Tiara. The Scottish team collected another red rosette towards the end of the schedule in the pairs class.
Reserve Junior Female Champion, Harveybros 1 Crocus Aurora from G & S Harvey.
Tom and Di Harrison had a fruitful day, beginning when their horned heifer Moralee Curly Cl288, reigning ‘horned female of the year’ took first in her class, ‘born in October 2022’. A heifer not originally planned to enter the ring but put herself in Di’s eyeline at home and has proven to be a fortuitous decision. Sired by Parkhill Pompeii, out of Auckvale Curly 1831S, Curly marks the pairs investment within horned genetics within their enterprise.
Moralee Curley Cl288 from Tom and Di Harrison.
Moralee 1 Sparkles PR285 saw red, adding another ribbon to the Harrisons pens after winning the ‘heifer born in September 2022’ class. Sired by homebred bull Moralee 1 RHS Prince KR R8, out of Tynedale 1 Sparkles 674.
Moralee 1 Sparkles PR285 from Tom & Di Harrison.
Later the team went on to take the ticket for the group of three from the same sire.
Moralee winners of ‘Group of Three by the same Sire’ Class.
Moving through the schedule, hitting the showing classes off, a bull becoming a firm favourite with onlookers, is Taymar Panda from S Taylor and D Marsh. At Westmorland County show this striking animal swept the board winning 1st native bred bullock, then moving up to take Champion Bullock and finished as the Commercial Hereford Champion. At Agri-expo, Panda left the Hereford ring to attend the commercial native steer class placing a respectable second against an animal nearly one year his senior.
Taymar Panda from S Taylor and D Marsh.
From the Spartan herd, Spartan 1 Arabian King SP 204 took top position in ‘bull born in Nov/Dec 2022’. Out of Spartan 1 Peppa, Arabian King is sired by Irish bred, Solpoll 1 Perfection making him the half brother to the infamous Sparton 1 Typoon.
Spartan 1 Arabian King SP 204 from SC & GL Hartwright.
Following success earlier in the day with bull Romany 1 Aztec, Lottie Wilson put her best foot forward whilst remaining in complete control of the four hooves of her exhibit to be rewarded with the first place spot within the 15 years and under, Young Handlers class.
Lottie Wilson, winner of the 15 and under young handlers class with bull Romany 1 Aztec FR A21.