Following the roaring success of the 2020 National Hereford virtual show which received in excess of 200 photographic entries, the format returns this year in place of the usual Tenbury-based National Hereford Show.

The show is open to UK breeders of Hereford cattle registered in the horned section of the herd book to showcase their cattle. Entries are free and exhibitors must be paid-up members of the National Hereford Club.

Entries open at 9am on Monday 5 July and close at 7pm on Friday 30 July via the Cloud Lines Shows online entry platform. No late entries will be accepted and it is advised the rules and entry guide are examined before using the Cloud Lines software to submit entries.

This year’s championships will once again be kindly sponsored by Moocall and Manor Farm Feeds, with the winner of the female championship to receive a Moocall calving sensor, while £150 Manor Farm Feeds voucher is available to the champion male.

Visit the National Hereford Club’s website for more information or contact National Hereford Clun entries secretary Sarah Cowle at or club secretary Sarah Cook on

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