After a lengthy process of challenges and events, the ten USA World Hereford Conference applicants have now been shortlisted down to five.

The process started back in May where all ten members went to Jimmy and Fiona Hodges of the Fellowhill herd and completed tasks that were set. Working together in teams they were asked to create a video for social media purposes to help the viewer better understand genetics and breeding of a cow. Not only did they attack the task with confidence, but they also had fun in the process. Another request was that they teach and assist the other members and attendees present on showing an animal, to explain knot safety and to demonstrate the basic handling skills required to present an animal in the showring.

August saw them attend an organised morning at the Sawley plant of Dunbia. This was an insightful introduction to meat quality and grading. It was sensory overload for the young breeders as they experienced many sights and sounds that not everyone gets the privilege of experiencing. The afternoons proceedings saw them enter the boardroom of the task, aptly named The Apprentice meets Dragons Den. More team work prevailed, and challenges asked that nobody foresaw. It was a long day, with everyone giving their all, and that included the judges.

The final encounter was an interview over zoom. This enabled the judges to really talk in length to the individuals and establish their experiences, knowledge and ambitions for the future.

Fortunately for everyone involved there have been times of socialising and fun too. Bonding over the Hereford breed that connects them, sharing stories and facing the odd banter, contributes to the camaraderie of the time they have spent together. Unfortunately, however, only five could be selected and we are excited to announce that Will Awan, Iona Smith, Ethan Brook and Cara Doggett will be representing the UK and the Hereford Cattle Society. Emma Dexter, the fifth member of the team will be the ambassador and will play a vital role in promoting our society, values and the UK.

We would like to congratulate all ten for putting themselves forward and to the five who were successful.

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