Vindicator is back

Three-year-old Milovaig 1 Vindicator is no stranger to the showring, and this year’s Hereford Scottish National show was no different. Taking place at Biggar Show it welcomed many exhibitors from far and wide to showcase their cattle, displaying true quality and style.

Milovaig-1-Vindicator from Coxon Herefords

Milovaig 1 Vindicator, a 2021 born bull bred by Calum Smith, now residing with Coxon Herefords took home the winning prize after securing 1st place in the bull born before August 2022 class. Living up to his name, Vindicator’s success was justified beyond doubt. This striking young man has already made his mark earlier in the summer at Echt Show where he not only took home the championship in the Hereford lines, but then went on to take the supreme championship.

Vindicator also had a fruitful summer in 2023 winning numerous titles including reserve senior male at this show last year and owner Martin Poyser celebrates his recent success with daughters and family. Milovaig 1 Vindicator is sired by Shraden 1 Perestroika and out of Milovaig 1 Bonnie Belle 6th and extends his titles year on year.

Harveybros 1 Ace-of-Spades from G & S Harvey is also proving to light up the show circuit taking junior male and reserve male champion. Flashy and stylish, Ace proves there could be more to come, as he’s a young bull only born in May 2023. Sired by popular AI bull Normanton 1 Laertes and out of a homebred cow Harveybros 1 Crocus L4.

Harveybros-1-Ace-of-Spades from G & S Harvey

The female section certainly didn’t disappoint with Moralee 1 Kylie KS S3 from T & D Harrison winning the senior female, overall female and reserve breed championships. This exceptionally functional cow was joined in the ring by her twin calves, looking quite the outfit.  The Kylie line has awarded the husband-and-wife team many trophies, and this is no exception.

Moralee-1-Kylie-KS-S3 from T & D Harrison

Moralee 1 Kylie KS S3 is out of Moralee 1 Kylie and sired by SMH Kingsize 87K, another successful bull who has sired many show winners. The breeding in this cow demonstrates true consistency with the Romany prefix on both sides.

R M 1 Lily from Emma Hodge caught the eye of judge Mr Boomer Birch of Sky High Herefords. This elegant 2022 born heifer stood out in her class and then went on to take the junior female and reserve female spot. She is sired by Coley 1 Teddy and born out of Coley 1 Lily 561.

Rulesmains-1-Lily from Emma Hodge

Success saw the Panmure herd take both first and second places in the bull born between 1st August 2022 and 28th February 2023 class, with Panmure 1 Admiral coming in first, over Panmure 1 Alexander. They then teamed up to come first in the pairs class securing another win for JM Cant and Partners. Further success came for the G & S Harvey team winning the group of three class.

Pair, Panmure 1 Admiral and Panmure 1 Alexander from JM Cant and Partners

The next generation of Hereford did not disappoint with their handling and leading skills. In the junior section Cameron Barclay took first place with Maisie Poyser taking second and Kyla Porteous coming a close third.

Beth Harvey of G & S Harvey took first place in the senior section, with Molly Poyser coming in second, another rosette to add to the already mounting ones for the Coxon herd.

Full Results List

Breed and male champion – Milovaig 1 Vindicator – Coxon Herefords

Reserve breed and female champion – Moralee 1 Kylie KS S3 – T & D Harrison

Reserve male champion – Harveybros 1 Ace-of-Spades – G & S Harvey

Reserve female champion – R M 1 Lily – Miss E Hodge

Senior male champion – Milovaig 1 Vindicator – Coxon Herefords

Senior female champion – Moralee 1 Kylie KS S3 – T & D Harrison

Junior male champion – Harveybros 1 Ace-of-Spades – G & S Harvey

Junior female champion – R M 1 Lily – Miss E Hodge

Heifer born after 1st August 2023

1st Criffel 1 Bondi – E Burgess

2nd Moralee Curly BG316 AI – T & D Harrison

3rd  Moralee 1 Kylie PR354  – T & D Harrison

Heifer born between 1st March 2023 and 31st July 2023

1st  Fellowhills 1 Tuilagi R Plum – J Hodge

2nd Saltire 1 Cathy 8th – W, P & K Wason

3rd  Coxon 1 Gotchya Lookin – Coxon Herefords 

Heifer born between 1st August 2022 and 28th February

1st R M 1 Lily – Emma Hodge

2nd  Saltire 1 Ruth 3rd – W, P & K Wason

3rd  Fellowhills 1 Talisman Ishbel – J Hodge

Heifer or cow in milk or in calf between 21st August 2021 and 31st July 2022

1st Fellowhills 1 Talisman Enoki – J Hodge

Cow in milk or in calf born before 1st August

1st Moralee 1 Kylie KS S3 – T & D Harrison

2nd Harveybros 1 Crocus Tiara – G & S Harvey

Bull born on or after 1st August 2023

1st Moralee 1 Baz KS315 – T & D Harrison

2nd Harveybros 1 Boabby – the – Barman – G & S Harvey

3rd Moralee 1 Billy-Bob PR353 – T & D Harrison

Bull born between 1st March 2023 and 31st July 2023

1st Harveybros 1 Ace-of-Spades – G & S Harvey

2nd Harveybros 1 A-Ladies-Man – G & S Harvey

3rd Criffel 1 Apollo – E Burgess

Bull born between 1st August 2022 and 28th February

1st Panmure 1 Admiral – JM Cant & Partners

2nd Panmure 1 Alexander – JM Cant & Partners

Bull born before 1st August 2022

1st Milovaig 1 Vindicator – Coxon Herefords


Best pair of Hereford animals

1st JM Cant & Partners

2nd G & S Harvey

3rd J Hodge

Best Group of 3 animals 

1st G & S Harvey

2nd J Hodge