Registration of horned Herefords

Eligibility of registration

32.(a) Any animal born in the United Kingdom is eligible for entry in the horned section of the herd book of Hereford cattle provided at the date of its conception its sire and dam were both registered in the appropriate section. Any animal registered shall remain so and will be deemed to be a pedigree Hereford animal for all purposes. A condition of registration is that, if required, the animal shall be made available for inspection to any person authorised by the council.

      (b) Horned animals, or semen from horned bulls, imported into the United Kingdom and their descendants are eligible for entry in the horned section of the herd book, provided they are fully registered in any of the herd books accepted by the World Hereford Council. The Hereford Cattle Society council may, at its discretion, require a certificate from the country of origin certifying the pedigree of the imported animal or semen is free from known and identifiable genetic abnormalities. Details of these conditions applying from time to time may be obtained from the society.

       (c)  Any polled or scurred calf born to horned parents already registered in the horned section shall have its entry cancelled or be transferred to the poll section. It is compulsory for a breeder to notify the society of any instance in their herd of a polled or scurred calf being born to horned parents.

       (d)  A scur shall be defined as a hornlike growth fastened only to the skin and not attached to the skull.

       (e)  Horned cattle with poll ancestry, where the poll ancestry appears in the sixth or previous generations (the subject animal being the first generation) may be entered in the society’s records as horned-bred and, for reference purposes, the name of any such animal will be suffixed with the letter (X).

Calf registrations

33. (a) The date of birth of each calf, together with particulars of its sex, sire, dam and name of calf and tag number, shall be notified to the society on a calf registration/notification form or online within 27 days of its birth. When submitted for registration, calves which are between 28 and 60 days old inclusive will be accepted only on payment of the appropriate additional fee.

       (b) Breeders should submit a calf registration/notification for every calf born whether living or dead and must notify any instance of any genetic defect.

       (c) (i)       Calves (bulls and heifers) previously notified within 27 days may subsequently be fully registered up to the age of 18 months at the appropriate fee.

(ii)      Calves (bulls and heifers) not previously notified within 27 days may subsequently be fully registered up to the age of 18 months at the appropriate fee, subject to the submission of:

  1. Copy of the DEFRA passport
  2. DNA parentage analysis

(iii)     Calves (bulls and heifers) over 18 months of age previously notified within 27 days may subsequently be fully registered at the appropriate fee.

(iv)      Calves (bulls and heifers) not previously notified within 27 days may subsequently be fully registered at at the appropriate fee subject to the submission of:

  1. Copy of the DEFRA passport
  2. DNA parentage analysis


34. Each calf must be tagged in accordance with the DEFRA ear tag allocation system.

Change of ownership

35.(a)       (i)       On the sale or transfer within the United Kingdom of any horned Hereford which is to maintain its pedigree status, a certificate of transfer must be supplied by the vendor or transferee. This certificate will be duly endorsed by the society and forwarded to the purchaser or transferee as soon as possible after the sale, provided the society does not exercise its powers under sub-clause (b). The appropriate fee for a certificate of transfer shall be payable by the vendor or transferee on application.

(ii)      The reverse side of the warranty certificate shall be used as a certificate of transfer.

       (b) The society reserves the right to refuse to issue or temporarily withhold a certificate of transfer for any reason whatsoever without being called upon to give a reason for such action.

       (c) In the event of the society receiving a request for a certificate of transfer of an animal and the society considers it necessary for the animal to be inspected, the vendor or transferee shall pay the society a fee for doing so, in addition to the appropriate fee referred to in clause (a)(i). If after such inspection, the society refuses to issue a certificate of transfer, the transfer fee shall be refunded to the vendor or transferee but the additional inspection fee shall not be refunded, and if not previously paid, shall become immediately due and payable to the society.

       (d) An animal that is sold without transfer, prejudices its pedigree status and may be lost to the breed.

       (e) No animal with a sire or dam that has changed hands without the issue of a certificate of transfer will be accepted for entry in the herd book.

       (f) Transfer fees shall be waived for transfers between wife, husband, son, daughter, brother or sister.

Designation in herd book of imported cattle

36. All imported horned animals shall, if eligible under rule 33, be registered within six months of entry into the country in the horned herd book with their full name followed by the abbreviation ‘IMP’, the year of importation, the name and herd book reference number of country of origin and extended pedigree to three generations. The style to be used when the names of such animals are quoted in pedigrees shall be: American Lad (Imp. U.S.A. 1960) (12345).