Herefords for dairy
Hereford bulls are valued in the dairy herd, through their ease of calving and good temperament, and ability to produce a valuable calf.
The Hereford does it all, whether that’s in the dairy herd, as a terminal sire or suckler cow, these adaptable cattle can work for you. The Hereford is recognised across the world as an efficient, hardy and productive animal, which produces superior beef.
Herefords are the sire of choice for many dairy farmers, having been tried and tested for generations. Good fertility, ease of calving and longevity means you get value out of your bull.
The breed is equally well-suited to any commercial suckler herd as either a terminal sire, or suckler cow. Continental suckler herds are increasingly turning to the Hereford to save management time and with less reliance on the feed bag.
Hereford bulls are valued in the dairy herd, through their ease of calving and good temperament, and ability to produce a valuable calf.
Hereford bulls prove productive terminal sires, while Hereford females are some of the best mothers about. Cut the aggro, use Herefords.